Emerald Light Initiative seeks to support pregnant adolescents and adolescent mothers through the ordeals of unplanned pregnancy and motherhood so they can pick up their lives again by means of the following personalised support and empowerment initiatives:
We carry a burden that is backed up by God’s calling to:
Giving mental, social, emotional, educational, financial support and empowerment through;
On/offline counselling of pregnant/young moms and their parents/families.
Availability of support group for pregnant/young moms and parents/families
Mentorship program spearheaded by those who were once “victims”
The provision of accompanier to their first two ante-natal and post-natal visits
After School coaching
Financial assistance towards schooling, trading, or apprenticeship re-enrolment.
Creating awareness about the detrimental effects of toxic attitudes and stigmatisation on pregnant adolescents and adolescent mothers, as well as on their family members
Creating awareness about the effects of unsafe abortion
Offering comprehensive sexual and relationship education.
Partnering with other NGOS with related visions